1 package org.naftulin.configmgr.parsers;
3 import java.net.URL;
4 import java.util.Collections;
5 import java.util.List;
7 import org.naftulin.configmgr.ConfigurationManagementEntry;
8 import org.naftulin.configmgr.ConfigurationManagementEntryImpl;
9 import org.naftulin.configmgr.ConfigurationManagerException;
10 import org.naftulin.configmgr.ConfigurationType;
11 import org.naftulin.configmgr.content.NameValuePairImpl;
13 /***
14 * Invokes {@link ExternalRecordAdapter external record adapter} with parameters specified in configuration record.
15 * Used to connect external configurations to be managed by configuration managment engine.
16 *
17 * @author Henry Naftulin
18 * @since 1.0
19 */
20 public class ExternalConfigurationParserImpl implements ConfigEntryParser {
21 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
22 private List<NameValuePairImpl> nameValuePairs;
23 private String externalRecordAdapterClass;
24 private ExternalRecordAdapter adapter;
26 /***
27 * Sets the full class name for the {@link ExternalRecordAdapter ExternalRecordAdapter} class.
28 * @param externalRecordAdapterClass the full class name for the {@link ExternalRecordAdapter ExternalRecordAdapter} class.
29 */
30 public synchronized void setExternalRecordAdapterClass(final String externalRecordAdapterClass) {
31 this.externalRecordAdapterClass = externalRecordAdapterClass;
32 }
34 /***
35 * Invokes {@link ExternalRecordAdapter external record adapter} with parameters specified in configuration record.
36 * If the adaptor is not created yet, create it and call load method, otherwise, calls reload.
37 * @param key the key for the external configuration.
38 * @param fileUrl ignored.
39 * @return the configuraion managment entry corresponding to the external configuration.
40 * @exception ConfigurationManagementEntry if external configuration cannot be instatiated or has problems
41 * loading or reloading.
42 */
43 public synchronized ConfigurationManagementEntry getConfigurationManagementEntry(final String key, final URL fileUrl) throws ConfigurationManagerException {
44 ConfigurationManagementEntry entry = null;
45 Object configuratonContent = null;
48 if (adapter == null) {
49 if (key == null) {
50 throw new ConfigurationManagerException("key is null, please provide the key in you master configuraton file for all the external cofigurations");
51 }
52 if (externalRecordAdapterClass == null) {
53 throw new ConfigurationManagerException("adater is null, please provide the custom created adaptor class (implemeting " + ExternalRecordAdapter.class.getName() +" interface) in you master configuraton file for external cofiguraton with key =" + key);
54 }
55 Class<ExternalRecordAdapter> adapterClass;
56 try {
57 adapterClass = (Class<ExternalRecordAdapter>) Class.forName(externalRecordAdapterClass);
59 adapter = adapterClass.newInstance();
60 configuratonContent = adapter.load(getNameValuePairs());
61 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
62 throw new ConfigurationManagerException("adater implemented by class " + externalRecordAdapterClass +" was not found in the classpath, please provide the custom created adaptor class (implemeting " + ExternalRecordAdapter.class.getName() +" interface) in you master configuraton file for external cofiguraton with key =" + key, e);
63 } catch (InstantiationException e) {
64 throw new ConfigurationManagerException("adater implemented by class " + externalRecordAdapterClass +" could not be instatiated. Please provide the custom created adaptor class (implemeting " + ExternalRecordAdapter.class.getName() +" interface) with default, no argument constructor, in you master configuraton file for external cofiguraton with key =" + key, e);
65 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
66 throw new ConfigurationManagerException("adater implemented by class " + externalRecordAdapterClass +" could not be instatiated for security reasons. Please provide the custom created adaptor class (implemeting " + ExternalRecordAdapter.class.getName() +" interface) with default, in you master configuraton file for external cofiguraton with key =" + key + ". You might also want to check the security policy that affects instatiation of this file.", e);
67 }
68 } else {
69 configuratonContent = adapter.reload(getNameValuePairs());
70 }
71 entry = new ConfigurationManagementEntryImpl(key, "External Configuration inplemented by class " + externalRecordAdapterClass + " with the following info: " + adapter.getInfo(nameValuePairs), configuratonContent, this, ConfigurationType.EXTERNAL);
72 return entry;
73 }
75 /***
76 * Returns the named value list parsed from the master configuration.
77 * @return the named value list parsed from the master configuration.
78 */
79 public List<NameValuePairImpl> getNameValuePairs() {
80 return Collections.unmodifiableList(nameValuePairs);
81 }
83 /***
84 * Sets the named value list
85 * @param nameValuePairs the named value pair list.
86 */
87 public void setNameValuePairs(final List<NameValuePairImpl> nameValuePairs) {
88 this.nameValuePairs = nameValuePairs;
89 }
91 }